Let’s be honest..

Have you got so busy being busy but you’re actually avoiding the tasks that you don’t want to do in your business?

You know which ones I mean…

The one that you feel afraid of…

The one the takes you out of your comfort zone…

The one you’ve told yourself you’re not good enough at…

Procrastination can be a slippery slope to decreased self esteem and  confidence and before you know it you are overthinking EVERYTHING and taking no action.

Here’s how to get yourself back on track;

1) Be proud of what you have achieved so far: Look back a year and see how far you have come, look at the challenges you have overcome and how you have grown as a person. Read through your testimonials or ask recent clients to write you one. It always feels great to know how you’ve helped people and gives you a boost to carry on.

2) Just start!  Ok so this sounds simple but if you are waiting to just wake up with a bundle of confidence and motivation you might be waiting for a long time. The only way you are going to overcome this is to  take some form of action. You might want to tell someone what you are going to do or declare your task in a group to make yourself accountable. A top tip that I use is to time yourself for 10 minutes and get as much done as you can – chances are by the end of the 10 minutes you’ll be feeling good for starting and you may want to continue for another 10 minutes!

3) Don’t aim for perfection : It can be hard when you want to always do your best but if you set your standards too high you will slow down your own progress and it can knock your own self esteem as you become increasingly critical of your work.  Your business will constantly evolve, tell yourself that you will also grow as a person and you will always do your best. A great quote I heard once was “Don’t get it perfect, get it done”

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase,  just take the first step” Martin Luther King
