Who do you think you are?


Since the day you were born you have been living inside a body and a mind that has been built up in many layers.


You started out in life as a beautiful pure bundle of innocence who had your every need met 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


There was never any fear or not having enough or not being enough.


You were perfect in every way, living freely as your unapologetic true self.


Bit by bit, very gradually and without you even noticing, you have acquired invisible layers.


You have been shaped and moulded for years by everyone who has influenced your life.


Can you remember who you were before other people told you how you should be?


Your parents, siblings, teachers, friends, relationships, jobs and even the media will have left small imprints (or deep scars) on your soul.


They have all contributed, slowly and subtly, building layers on top of your true self which have led you to become a very different person from that tiny unapologetic bundle of pure innocence.



Without realising you may have been conforming to many values and beliefs that are not truly yours, this can leave you feeling alone, disconnected and isolated.


The truth is once you start to unveil these layers and tune into the real you, you will feel increasingly free and content as you rediscover and reconnect to your beautiful self once again.


Once you become more aware of being true to yourself and living in alignment with your values and beliefs your confidence will increase as you show the respect to yourself that you want, and deserve, from others.


Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place” – Unknown


Cassie x


Healing your head, so you can follow your heart.